September 30, 2011

Ego Tinggi Manusia.

Orang kalau ego tinggi memang annoying kan?

Hmph. Aku tak. Hehe. Sebab aku tgh cakap tulis pasal org lain. Sebab org tu yang ego dulu. Sebab org tu yang taknak kalah dulu. Taknak jatuh maruah depan perempuan lah kononnye. Konon. Sebab selfish sangat. Taknak jaga hati org lain.

Tapi, time raya haritu kau elok je lepak gelak dengan aku?

Mungkin sbb time tu raya. Sebab time raya mana boleh marah-marah. Konon nak bodek bagi duit raya lah kot. Hareemmm lah. Makpak aku mmg tak bagi duit raya dekat remaja yg dah exceed 17. Haha padan muka :P

Kenapa aku emo? Tepuk dada, tanya iman.

Kolej buat friendly match dgn KMJ. And superainbow was there. Liana was the first person excited to see him dalam court. Lepastu lompat-lompat cerita dekat aku. And yesssss aku kena belanja dia KFC sbb betting superainbow takkan ada :'(

Lepastu, we are ignoring each other. So, ego aku ke ego dia?

1) Maybe dia tak salah sbb MAYBE dia mmg tak perasan aku
2) or maybe dia tunggu aku tegur dia
3) or maybe dia ingat aku tak perasan dia
4) or he didnt trust his eyess?


But he is the man. He should start it first. Not me. If he doesnt put on effort, why should I?
Idk. People like these are really hard to expect. They play with our feelings. They tear us apart. Glue it back, and tear it again and again.

So, we're back to highschool again. Where me and you are not more than strangers. Jyeah, super-duper cool. Ok tipu, I super-hate that.

Ni gara-gara sbb dulu rapat sangat. Dunia mcm kau dan aku je. Lepastu at the end, dah jadi kau-kau, aku-aku. Haihh.

Maybe I should wait and see?
Or wait, see and learn?
Or wait, and broken into pieces?
Or wait, watch, and walk away?
Or you actually never care?

-Just tell me, pleasee?

P/s: Eh aku tak emo. Tak emo, tak emo langsung. Dah biasa sangat macamni. Hihi :P

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